Arts TRANSPONSTER! "If they're carrying some weapon you can try and use that against them, since they're not that bright." Matt said, lowering the hand he had raised. "Or trick it to trip over something or lead them into an awkward space they can't get out of. Then the next step could be figuring out how to knock them out." The boy thought out loud as he spoke.
He then thought about what he had just said and wasn't too sure that would be the best idea. "Well, Stunning spells probably wouldn't work, so I would try and use something... anything, really, that was lying around. Or hanging around." He shrugged and continued to think how he'd approach the situation if he ever came across a troll by himself. "I wouldn't just leave it there wide awake and ready to attack, in case someone came across them after me." Surely that was the right thing to do? "What if I just ran off and then somebody encountered the beast after me and then died? Their death would be on ME. No, thanks." No one would be able to live with THAT. Matt surely wouldn't. |