Thread: Law Enforcement: Work Areas
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Old 07-16-2017, 02:53 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schroyers View Post
Vivi's initial statement got under Tempest's skin like few things did. The idea of doing nothing because someone might get some feathers ruffled made her job sound like pointlessness. She had something all set to say about the UK and their lack of action leading to two dark wizards starting wars,
one of which brought all sorts of mayhem to her own city once and that maybe if the Ministry would be less worried about upsetting the community Auror work could actually be done!

But Tempest wasn't a child, nor was she new to this job. Being at MACUSA for all of her adult life up until recently taught her when to shut her mouth and when to listen. Auror James had clearly been here longer and knew how things work. Working against the system would only make her life harder. So instead she bit her lip and looked back at the snowglobe of her home.

And her silence seemed to pay off, Blue eyes lighting up just a little as her fellow Auror asked about what she'd gathered. "This is everything."
Tempest pulled a file from the creaky drawer in her desk. "The Blaze family.. Well i've heard their name a good bit in other cases. They have a Private Investigator business.. Which didn't seem odd at first. But I overhead a few men talking in Knockturn about contacting them if you want someone to disappear." She shrugged. "I thought nothing of it at first but then i did some poking around.. Their financial records don't exactly add up.. I think the business is a front and they're using it to launder money. But of course that doesn't prove everyone in the family is involved but a good bit of them work there." She displayed the financial records she'd obtained, it was from the last few years, so nothing current but it seemed pretty regular. Her father had always told her if things don't add up to follow the money.

"Now Morganzo is a different story. They're much more out in the open, no front, no money laundering. The family has been wealthy for generations but that doesn't explain where the money is coming from when no one in the family has any sort of legitimate business." There was also the fact that this old Scottish family sent the males in the family to Durmstrang, hardly evidence but why send them there if not to learn about the dark arts? She wouldn't voice this opinion. "The thing here is i haven't found much other than a connection between a man named Mathias Winters and a load of missing muggles. Winters is a known associate of one Darius Morganzo, head of the Morganzo family." She showed the pictures of the two men. "I've heard if you want things that the Ministry doesn't allow to be sold this is the guy to get it through."
There was also the thing about the missing muggles and she wasn't really sure what was going on there.. Her imagination was running wild though. "Basically i need to find where they do their operations. I would have to guess they move things in some sort of muggle way? Like on ships? Something that can't be tracked by magic." But there had to be a million ports in the UK. How could she know which to use?
And that was a lot. It wasn't real proof, but it was a mountain of circumstantials that should raise the ire of any Auror worth their stuff. Overhearing things, theories without proof, but maybe it was a start? The problem, of course, was that Blazes were powerful enough to lean on the Minister and try to get an investigation shut down, and the Morganzos weren't far behind.

"Keep it under your hat for now, but it's a start." Vivi flipped haphazardly through the file before pushing it back to Chandler. "You don't have anything firm. I'd suggest we start by spending some time down on Knockturn. Perhaps in disguise, although you're new so they shouldn't recognize you right off yet. Have you taken this to the boss yet?" Because if not, Vivi should sit in and help smooth it over. Or maybe she just sort of missed field work. She'd been desk-bound for a while now, but Kizzy was a toddler and Vivi could put herself in danger again.
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