~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. 23. Levicorpus The duel was not going as well as the fifth year had hoped. “What’s wrong with me?’’ she questioned herself. Brown eyes darted to Professor Hirsch who was overseeing the duel. “He’ll be so disappointed in me.’’ Desperately trying not to sink into a whirl of disappointment of her own, Rachel pointed her wand at her opponent. “LEVICORPUS!’’ she shouted. Her concentration was at its highest.
Her opponent was suddenly dangling from the ankle. The Ravenclaw brightened up and decided her best course of action would be to take advantage of her momentary upper hand. “Expelliaramus!’’
Wandlessly cast, that was what she had done. The Disarming Spell was cast wandlessly and it had been successful. A stunned Rachel caught the wand, her eyes once again darting to Hirsch. It was the first time she had done this in a duel as she was still struggling with Wandless Magic. “I did it,’’ she whispered, hardly daring to believe it. |