They were in the thick of it now and Hattie's first spell narrowly missed the Slytherin, close enough that it gave her goosebumps.
Too close for comfort, that was for sure.
"Protego," She said firmly in response, thinking if Hattie liked
Orbis so much, she could have it back. Sharing was caring, after all. The concentration that went into it was admirable, of course, but it stole Junia's attention for a second too long, allowing the bat-bogey hex to hit and it was a horrible, disgusting sight.
To say the scene playing out before her eyes was unlady-like would be an understatement and the brunette tried very hard not to panic, or wonder if Sam was in the stands watching her bogies take flight.
NOT that she had many because she was on top of that,okay? Her heart raced as the bat bogies attacked and her mind wandered, in survival mode and on a mission to protect her from this nightmare of a spell. The GERMS! UGH! SO GROSS!
"Vacavus!" It came to her in a light bulb moment and the next thing she knew, a vacuum-like wind was sucking up the heinous bat bogies and ridding her of the problem for good. The relief that she felt was immediate, but it was NOTHING compared to the annoyance. Did the blonde KNOW how gross that had been?!
"Carpe Retractum!"
Junia L. Botros was ready to end this.