Oliver made his way into the DADA classroom, really happy he didn't have to walk outside this time. Not that he hated going outside but effort.. and rain. Honestly he couldn't afford to get sick with OWLs coming up. There was a lot of studying to be done and he was not going to be feeling ill while doing it.
This would be good.. A subject he lik- and where was all the stuff? The floor felt.... squishy? And there were rocks everywhere?
What was that purple thing?
Hirsch seemed fine, calm as every... Still seeming to have achieved a level of cool that Oliver personally aspired to. So he figured everything had to be fine?
"Hello, Professor. Looks like things will be interesting today." Probably an understatement. Hirsch was never a boring teacher.
__________________ BE YOUNG. BE DOPE. BE PROUD.  Like an AMERICAN. |