dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Ah, so ghosts had loves lives too. Shay smiled at sir Nicholas' comments. Well he certainly was an honorable gentleman. No details were given and that was as it should be. "Thanks Sir Nicholas. You have a nice holiday too."
Turning her attention back to Ava and Noelle, Shay replied, "Yes, I'm quite serious." Apparently her lapse into American slang meant that only one of her friends had understood her situation. She began to rephrase and explain. "My 'boyfriend' and I were good friends for a long time before we became a couple. I guess maybe we should have stayed that way because now we aren't friends or a couple. He went to Ilvermorny, met a girl there and decided that he liked her more........so bye bye Shay." Shay had been totally caught off guard when this happened and she was pretty heartbroken, for a while. "The funny part is.......she ended up dumping him and then he had the nerve to want to get back together with me." Shay wasn't sure whether or not her new friends knew her well enough to imagine that that conversation did not end well. "Anyway, that's it in a nutshell. I am single with a capital S.
Then, Ava put Noelle on the spot. Shay hoped that Noelle didn't mind. Not everyone was comfortable with sharing the details of their personal life. Actually, Shay was one of those people. For some reason though, she felt ok with sharing things with her two housemates. That was a rare thing for her, but she felt like they really cared. And she also felt that they could be trusted to keep the information to themselves. That was important. Shay certainly wouldn't share any of their secrets with anyone else. She was very loyal like that.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Salt! |