Hattie was feeling pretty positive. The shield charm she had just used would be strong for at least a few more spells. , or at least hopefully, so that gave her some time to concentrate on the attack. she could tell that Junia was well into this duel, and She was too. She was determined to win, but she knew it would be hard. She just had to keep going and hopefully not get distracted. She would just keep doing what she did best, and hope it was better than Junia.
Hattie carefully counted the spells, though she seemed to have miscounted a little, because her wand nearly got taken out of her hand by Junia's last spell. Luckily Hattie managed to grip onto her wand, so she didn't lose it. That would not have helped at all! Eep. Better concentrate a little more.
She figured that the best way to try and get a hit was doing a few spells straight after each other, so she began with
hair growth charm following it up straight away with
That would do for now. And by her calculation her shield, with the added strength would last through one more spell. So she needed to start to think of some defence again now.