open post!!! doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Dude. These dungeons were SO drab.
Every time Zoryn had to go to Potions she had to walk by the ugly dungeon walls. It was awful. Felt like a prison down here, which was probably why they kept the detentions down in the dungeons, but STILL. Why did she have to walk by this gross place on her way to class almost every day? It was a TRAVESTY. Truly something she had been meaning to talk to the Headmistress about, but she had quickly learned the value in begging for forgiveness rather than asking for permission....
Which was why she didn't ask before taking this revamp matter into her own hands. Own hands meaning she stole some painting supplies from the Creative Practice Room in the Charms classroom...
Because today, she was painting the dungeon walls full of LOTS of happy, bright, AWESOME colors. Ew, was that a spider web?!?! The caretaker REALLY needed to work on that.
Anyways, she dipped her paintbrush into some bright red. First things first, she was going to paint a rainbow across this door. Roy g biv. Red came first. With one swift motion, she painted a LARGE red arch across the dungeon doorway. The people who got stuck in detention were SO gonna thank her for this.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |