Mini Activity :: Post #1 That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Cornelius' mind was refreshed with these facts as the professor went over them. And even though this wasn't the first time heard of the Demiguise's offspring with a ghoul, the boy SHUDDERED and almost GAGGED.
Mate. Offspring. Ghoul. Hidebehinds.
S H U D D E R.
Whoever let that happen was so WRONG.
Shrugging his shoulders off the EWW, Cornelius' green gaze focused on the creatures. This was, as always, a bad time to ever mention what his lovely (not really) grandmother did. If he recalled, Demiguise was one of the key ingredients to the beauty potions she created. Except no one's been able to crack her down - and there was no way family was going to give away family. AND he wasn't supposed to know this. He was just great at snooping around where he shouldn't.
Without an ounce of guilt, Cornelius stood up and went to check out the food options. Would the Demiguise be able to sniff him out? Sense what the matriarch of the family did? Green eyes flickered toward the bunch, well, where the creatures had been before going invisible.
Could they sense it? Sense him?
One way to find out.
Grabbing a parring knife and several loquat - in which he exclaimed, "Prof, you have LOQUAT!" Then proceeded with, "Oh crud, sorry!" at the direction of the demiguise in case he had startled them. Fifteen years old, and he STILL couldn't control his excitement.
Fruit in hand. Now a demiguise.
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