Nothing happened. Oh for the LOVE OF MERLIN! Looking at Sam, Dora shakes her head. "What the hell did I miss?! " the girl cried out as she shook the lock with her right hand, wand still in her left.
"Okay... what do I know so far? Magical cage... constellations... magical... OF COURSE! " she cried as she smacked herself in the forehead. Magic. It was all magical!!
"Alright, Sam... if this doesn't work then I have one last idea. I'm sorry. I'm trying to hurry, I swear it! " she said with a sense or urgency as she pulled her wand closer to the lock and expelled a heavy breath.
She wasn't as good as Sam at picking out the constellations, but was SURE that was Leo. The sickle shape was distinctive. And the teapot of Sagittarius was there. And Aries was her own star sign so she easily picked it out... she hoped.
Touching her wand to each constellation in turn... she held her breath and waited. Sweet Circe she hoped this worked or else it was all back to square one.