Okay so... maybe she liked the Professor's face a bit, but she also loved his taking on teaching about creatures as well. Both of those things. Not one more than the other. Nope.
Never mind that she was a NEWT student and didn't exactly HAVE to take CoMC anymore. HEHEHE. Had everyone seen him, though? He looked like a Greek God, bro. He was amazing.
SIGH. Of the dreamy variety.
Stepping into the semi circle of hay the Gryffindor smiled at Wayland and waved as she made her way past. "Good Day, Professor Wayland," she said with a blush coloring her cheeks. No reason, ya know.
N O R E A S O N.
Keep it moving.
And that she did. She kept it moving right past him and to a hay bale furthest from him so as not to be distracted by his beauty and charm. Where was Casper? HE was the MOST beautiful person in her LYFE. No really, where was he? Or someone else to distract her. Had everyone seen his smile?