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Old 07-06-2017, 03:11 AM   #12 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Okay... so Dora knew that the draping was going to be awkward. Yeah. That was a thing. It likely didn't do much good, but it did make her feel better nonetheless. HMPH. Reaching one hand back through she adjusted the blanket a bit. Damn those bars!!

THe object in her hand came loose and the blonde pulled her arm back. YAS! Unrolling the scroll she found herself squinting a bit at the... NUMBERS? NUMBERS? The Gryffindor glanced back to Sam as she tried to commit the number to memory. OI VEY! This was too much!! Dragging her right hand through her hair, the blonde yelled a wordless thing into the air. No real meaning, just the sound. URRRGGGGHHH! This was all so very infuriating. Her sister person was in a bloody cage in front of her and it was breaking her heart.



That meant that she had to get to the gist of things now.

As her eyes moved from Sam to the scroll again her immediately considered GALACTIC COORDINATES, but that surely wouldn't be a thing, right? It seemed far too time consuming a thing to do given the circumstances... right? What about... what about Runes/Arithmancy/DADA revealing spell (she hadn't paid well enough attention in that class really...)? No... that was surely too simple, right?

Casting a spell wasn't going to solve this issue... or so she thought.

And if she happened to be wrong about that, well it was easier to go back and cast a spell rather than work out the entire Pythagorean system, right? Gripping her wand tighter in her left hand the girl cast a glance at her friend and grimaced. This was it. All or nothing. She had to get it right QUICKLY, right?


The girl needed a place to work out the Pythagorean system, though... glancing down to the snow she nodded to herself. Yes, that would do. She could use her wand to carve out the letters and numbers there, yes? Sure she could. It was a frozen wasteland and the snow only seemed to be melting by way of her fire or hot air charms as it were. Hastily the girl slashed the numbers one through nine in the snow... and then dropped down and divvied up the corresponding letters to those numbers. A, J, S for the number one, B, K, T, for the number two... and so on and so forth. three columns of letters under each number.

Sure the blonde wasn't great at Arithmancy, but truth be told, the number system she was working with was literally the only thing she remembered. Especially seeing as it was taught from year one on...

But whatever

Need to focus...

The girl let her eyes scan the letters that corresponded to the numbers on the scroll: 285 6995 19751

After a few moments of studying the chart she had drawn out... two words lept out at her.


FIRE SIGNS!! Which were all constellations! That she knew for CERTAIN! Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius!! Which beginners stinking astrology would have taught ANYONE was inside of the milky way galaxy. OH DEAR MERLIN!! WAs this it? Was it what she needed to know? Perhaps all of those years of reading the Astrology section of Witch Weekly had helped out (har har Fire Signs... Astrology YA KNOW!) But WHATEVER...

Saying a quick pick me up to herself, Dora put her fingers to the lock and touched the appropriate constellations. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. They were recognizable to her as pretty basic star patterns, really... easy to pick out once she knew what she was looking for in the sea of dots. She was totally going to owl Airey Flamsteed and thank him for his contribution to her rather limited Astronomy teachings IF this worked. UGH.

All she could do now was hope for the best. If this failed... well she was going to have to patronus a friend or summon some star charts and check out some coordinates. She only hoped against all odds this was it, because seeing her friend in this condition was breaking her heart...

But also seemed to be making her think quickly and outside of the box.

H O P E F U L L Y!
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