More from the Beetle. What are these Ilvermorny professors up to?
Originally Posted by
Duncan Williams
Now that he wasn't rushing to find safe place to hold this conversation, Duncan's eyes stared at the package. There was a flash of hunger behind his dark and usually judgemental eyes. They could begin. In a surprising twist of events, Duncan smiled genuinely for the first time that evening. They could begin. Three very simple words but three words that held a lot of weight to them.
They could begin.
Melanie had always taken charge from their childhood. It was why she had come out of the womb first, why she convinced him and why she was most entrusted with this. "Patience, Melanie." A trait the woman didn't have an ounce of in her body. "We'll open it soon, I promise. Anyone could see us here." Promises were futile but this was one he meant. She had to realize that. "I'll do what I can and keep you updated."
Celebrate. It was a simple word but it was one that made him smirk at this moment. "We have donuts to celebrate." Dunkin Donuts. "Come, before anyone sees us."