Thread: High Street
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Old 06-30-2017, 02:08 AM   #70 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Addyson Lynette Dane
First Year
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛

SPOILER!!: 10 Aces
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
So this is her first rock concert. And she feels like she's gonna lose her voice. The Curly Top laughed "Yeah thats usually the side effect of that. The more rockin' the concert, the hoarser your voice gets."

Oh she was asking about his gramps. His lack of interaction with him could quickly become obvious "Yeah well he lives in Southern California so I guess he does a lot of his work there? Or maybe he travels around too...." because the ones he knew better did a lot of traveling "I dont know my grandpa all that much actually... he's a Muggle and Dad doesnt like talking about him much." he shrugged, casually leaving out the part where his father would almost get hostile when he pried further. But anyway "Yeah I met lots and lots of musicians-- they're the ones who taught me how to play instruments--" he laughed "-- but yeah unfortunately I havent met TDK myself though..." curious how he seem to have missed out on that. Maybe it was just odd timing, between their rise to fame and when he started getting busy with all the learning and activities.

Yup Vi totally gets what he means. He beamed as she gave the baseball analogy "Yeah exactly! Or being actually there for Championship games. The crowd is INSANE!" Incredibly fun though, win or lose.

Now that she actually said it out loud, even Ace was amazed at the height he's grown "Yeah I guess thats a lot!" he laughed. And there he was before this thinking he wasnt tall enough yet. "But hey you could catch up right?" he grinned. He has no idea how fast or slow girls grow, all the girls he knew, Vi included, seems to be growing and reaching various heights, so yeah he knows better than to just generalize.

And Vi... she's a classy lady isnt she? He could tell-- classical and jazz. But she appreciates rock. Wow did he say how amazing she is? "You're incredible!" he beamed, not realizing how he verbalized his thoughts. "Hey speaking of jazz, have you been to New Orleans?"

He nodded his head eagerly when she spoke about the freedom to do improv with music "I feel the same way about guitar and the drums actually. Of course with the guitar its faster and easier to compose on the fly... no kit to have to set up." he laughed. "Yeah rock is kinda my main thing really, but thats because theres so much variety of rock music, I mean I like old school Chuck Berry and Elvis era to punk to all the Black Sabbath metal sound to glam rock to rap rock, alternative, comedy rock, experimental ...." man he could go on and on. "--but you know what, I'm also a big fan of classical and choir music, specially when they would go all a capella and just rely on creating music with just their voices-- man thats just AMAZING!" And a challenge he wasnt sure to be able to pull off himself. Although goodness knows he is trying.

The more she spoke, the hoarser her voice would be? Normally she'd worry about it but that was tomorrow Olivia's promise. Besides she wanted to talk to Ace and she really enjoyed it - she loved it. Spending time with him and just listening to him was amazing.

Her grandfather lived in Southern California? Was this his Dad's Dad or his Mum's Dad? she wondered. But Ace was speaking again about his grandfather. She frowned slightly when he mentioned that he didn't really know his grandfather that well. He was a Muggle and his Dad didn't like speaking to him? Was it just because he was a muggle that Ace's father didn't like him? Would that mean that if she ever met Ace's father as a friend or perhaps more than a friend that he wouldn't like her because she was muggleborn...? She doubted that and thought there had to be more to the whole situation but decided that she wouldn't press further. Now... wasn't the time. "I see," she said and shared a small smile with him as she squeezed his hand. It was a small gesture but it was supposed to show that she understood. That's what she intended. AND THEN HE SAID THAT MUSICIANS TAUGHT HIM HOW TO PLAY!? She was so envious- that was so, so, so COOL! "What?!" she exclaimed with widened blue eyes. That was so incredible. "That's AMAZING. When was your first show?"

Five foot eight was pretty tall! At the suggestion of catching up to him, Olivia paused. Hmm.. She wasn't so sure if she would be able to catch up. She wasn't sure if she wanted too... Maybe an inch or so would be great. His suggestion made her smile more. Her Mum had been short and her Dad was over six foot which left Simon and Marc both close to six feet tall. But her...? She probably took more after Mum. "Hah, I guess so," she laughed. "But..." she went on her tippiest of toes and tried to make herself a little taller. Nope but she could imagine. "Almost the same height of you." She winked with a teasing grin. She enjoyed being silly and Ace just made her feel so comfortable to be silly around him.

AND now Olivia blushed again. Did he just say that she was incredible?? She was wonderstruck and BLUSHING again. "I am?" she said, catching that comment and feeling kind of really special. He thought that she was incredible. He really thought that? Butterflies were back in her stomach again and her heart raced a little more. New Orleans? She shook her head. She had never been to the United States. She'd only been to Australia, France, and the United Kingdom.... "No, I've never but I'd love to go one day..." she said with a smile, imagining the early morning in the cities with beignets and coffee as well as the late evenings. "Have you been there before?"

As she listened to Ace speak about guitar and drums, a smile played on her lips. The guitar was easy to compose on the fly... She could see that. And when he mentioned that rock was his thing, Olivia wasn't surprised. She could totally see Ace being the rock and roll guy. Chuck Berry, Elvis, David Bowie maybe...? He had that vibe about him. "I can see you being a rockstar," she said. It was hot. "I saw that during that Muggle Studies class... The one with the karaoke? I remember you getting onstage and just owning the whole stage and having fun. It was... It was amazing and very attractive." Well that slipped out? No one had put veritaserum in her coffee this morning? Aaaaaand quick recovery.... "It was as if you belonged there." She hadn't been able to stop watching his performance. Then she listened to him more as she discussed a capella and choir... He had a diverse musical palate. It complimented hers quite well. And a capella was awesome like LEGENDARY. Olivia nodded her head several times in a row. Ahhh... This was incredible.

She was about to reply to his comment when her attention was taken to a girl speaking very loudly (perhaps even yelling?). She glanced at the girl.. Wasn't she the Slytherin girl that had been one of the IMPS Competitors? Teddy was her name, right? Her thought was confirmed when someone else called out to her. She hoped the girl was okay. A frown appeared on her lips momentarily and then her eyes spotted a pair of skates in the window. ICE SKATING! "Hey Ace! Ice skates!" she exclaimed with a BRIGHT smile. That reminded her of what was next. They were going to go ice skating, right? She was nervous about ice skating because professional gravity test here. Olivia was certain that she was going to have to be holding onto him for dear life. She hoped that she didn't make him fall. "Want to go ice skating soon?" she asked with a smile. "Maybe in a few songs?"

Last edited by Watson; 06-30-2017 at 02:31 AM. Reason: Typos! :o
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