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Here she was trying to slip in, get what she needed and get back to the castle relatively quickly... if she could. Ugh. So many people though. Dora tugged at her scarf as she muttered several 'pardon me's'. You'd think she'd be used to the crowds by now, but it was still a bit much.
Making her way to the quills first she paused a chewed at her bottom lip. Self inking or everlasting? Hmmm. But the pretty ones drew attention, didn't they? Her eyes moved over the girl standing there as she idly wondered if Sam would like a fragrance one.
"Excuse me... I just need to grab a couple of these, " she said quietly. Maybe Robin would like one also? But she wasn't going to barrel past the Slytherin (who looked vaguely familiar from classes). Manners.
The strawberry sure did smell amazing, and with it's bright pink color, Felicity just knew that her Dad would love it. Her other one would, too, she was sure, although he'd roll his eyes and joke about how
typical Colin it was. She just knew that she had to get that one, and picked it up for a closer look when she was startled out of her thoughts by a voice.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," Felicity managed, taking a step back to allow the Gryffindor, who she was sure was a few years older, access to the Quills.