Due to time restraints, Noelle had asked around and had indeed gotten her hands on a copper cauldron. It seemed some people had connections. She really should invest in one of these things. Maybe her family would splurge to be able to get one. Surely, she would need one in uni.
Anyways, back to the task at hand. Noelle knew exactly what potion she was going to be making today. Mutatio Animalia. It was Noelle's
favorite potion. Her big sister had introduced it to her in her fourth year. Each year, Noelle made it a few dozen times. The potion usually wore off over a period of time depending on how strong the potion was. But upon further research, Noelle was able to find an antidote.
First things first, Noelle went to the potions storage room to collect her items. She'd brought a basket and grabbed the following list of supplies:
The ingredient called for one more item. Noelle already had that in her pocket. She collected a few strands of fur from one of the young crups by the barn. They were all too willing.
Placing her ingredients out in the order they would go in, she double checked to make sure that she had everything. You could never be too sure. Once she was sure she had it all, Noelle began by cleaning the copper cauldron that was given to her to use.
and give back in one piece.
Next, Noelle filled a measuring cup with 700 ml used from her wand and then poured it into the cauldron. Then she lit the cauldron on low. No need to use her wand, she would need it elsewhere. After about 4 minutes, the water was boiling. Grabbing the leeches, she added them into the boiling water. Taking the boomslang skin, she gently laid it over the water surface. She was careful not to touch the boiling water. She didn't want any burns. It didn't take long for the skin to dissolve. She took her metal stick and stirred 6 times counterclockwise before turning the heat up to maximum.
While she waited the 23 minutes it took to heat up, Noelle looked over the potion again and started on the antidote. First, she went to get the supplies from the storage room.
Then she prepared her ingredients and put them in the order that she would need them. It was always helpful to have things in order.
It was handy that she had her own cauldron available with her too. She cleaned it first before putting all the ingredients into the cauldron. She wouldn't be able to go from there before she needed to add a drop of her other potion into the mix.
So, going back to her first potion, Noelle was happy to discover it was almost time. Using the last few minutes, she grated the bicorn horns she pulled out. Once it was ready, she turned the heat down to medium and then gently added in the grated horn. She made sure the color was what it looked like. The familiar smell
which wasn't appealing, wafted to her nostrils. She knew that in a few more steps, she'd have a finished potion.
Pulling her wand out, she waved it over the potion and clearly said,
'Permuto motus'. Then Noelle quickly but gently added in the wings. She grabbed her metal stirrer, before realizing she needed her wooden one. Quickly changing the two, she used her wooden stick to stir. Starting in the clockwise direction, she alternated between clockwise and counter clockwise and stirred a total number of fourteen times.
She even had a song that she sang in her head while she did it.
She added the fluxweed and brought the heat to low. She smiled because the potion was looking great. She'd made it enough times to know.
Now was the waiting game.
Covering her other potion, she grabbed her other books so she could study and do homework while the potion brewed. She had 7 hours to wait.
One the seven hours were up.
They were the longest seven hours ever. Noelle pulled the cauldron from the heat and turned it off. Then she pulled the crup hair from her pocket.
Her clothes had changed since then so this was a new pocket. She added a few strands in and then took a few drops to add it to her antidote potion.
Heading over to do her antidote potion, she turned the heat up high so it would boil. Once it started to boil, she lowered the heat and waited for it to simmer.
Then she added a few drops of her other potion into this antidote. Noelle did it slowly and gently. Once that was added, she pushed the heat back up so that it would start to boil. She watched the potion as it boiled until it started to turn thick and syrupy. She reduced the heat and allowed it to simmer.
Once it was at the right temperature, Noelle pulled her wand out again. "
sperevelio" She said clearly while waving her wand over the cauldron. Once that was done, she had two brewed potions.
After she put the potions into different vials, she cleaned up her cauldrons. She would return the copper cauldron to it's owner before going to find someone to test her potions on.
Who wouldn't want to turn into a crup?