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SarcasticStrawberry ”Alright everyone you all had some really great answers. You really know your healing potions. Today will be covering a few healing potions for ourselves. Now for the moment you all have been, some more than have been waiting for. Remove your sheets.” She paused long enough to let them remove the sheets and take real good look. Under the sheets were dummies, like the dummy patients that first year healers practiced on. She had borrowed them from Rodrick, and made them into the student’s patients.
She moved to the center of the room, and got everyone attention for the next part. ”In front of are dummies. They will be your patients for the remainder of the lesson each one is charmed with some alignment that I want you to first identify now. I’ve charmed them at random with either Bad case of the boils, Fever, Flu, a minor Burn, Missing or broken bones or a case of acne. Go ahead and try to figure out what is aligning your patient. Some will be more obvious than others.”
Well, it WAS about healing potions and magic. Vivian knew quite enough from her parents, who were both Healers by profession. It was an advantage, she believed. The topic itself was interesting, too, so she was all ears for the lesson.
AAHHHHH, they were finally allowed to uncover what was underneath the sheet. Vivian enthusiastically bounced on her seat and pulled the sheet in front of her to reveal... a DUMMY. The Slytherin blinked and wondered if she had been in the wrong class all along, because she was 100% sure these were the ones they used in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Of course, whatever was Professor Crush's property, she would definitely know. Typical Vivian.
Ewwwwwww." The words escaped the Slytherin's mouth without any kind of filtering. It had a TERRIBLE case of acne on his face. That was like... a teenager's worst nightmare!