• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Kirk had been intrigued about attending another lesson of Herbology. His history with this class was a little shaky at its worst, but no foul play has ever occured with him lately. Entering in the greenhouse he was met with the strong odor, fighting the urge to grimace with a small smile. "Hello again, Professor." His pseduo-uncle had the benefit of being very chummy with this man so Kirk saw his professor a number of times outside school.
It was like something died in here and Kirk wasn't off from the truth judging by the look of these grotesque creatures.. Oh, mandrakes. Dead ones. He took a mask to put on before taking his seat at a workstation. His eyes glanced at the door occasionally, as if waiting on someone. |