Potions Lesson #2- Healing potions
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06-23-2017, 01:53 PM
Potions Lesson #2- Healing potions
Ciara had added as much lighting to the room. She had been working all term to brighten it up and feel more like a classroom then a dungeon prison. She had always felt that the dungeons felt more like a prison than anything. The door were open to let the students come on in.
The classroom was nice and warm this morning. Heating charms were in place and as well as a fireplace behind Professor’s Canterbury’s desk. The Professor was sitting at her desk, writing down so last minute note’s for today’s lesson. Next her desk was a chalkboard with a message:
Originally Posted by
Please take a seat
And don’t look under the sheet.
Class will being shortly.
The workstation was the same as always four workstations at each table. At each workstation was something under a sheet. What could it be?
OOC: Please make sure you're familiar with
Professor Canterbury’s rules
as well as the
SS site rules
before posting. Thank you for attending. This lesson will start in a little over 24 hours time.
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