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Was it being obvious or was it being helpful? HMMMMMM???
For the record, it was totally the latter.
Zoryn gave the older Gryffindor an over-dramatic shrug. "For you maybe, but I'm not gonna need muggle stuff when I'm a famous actress," she explained. She was gonna go into WIZARD show-business. Or she'd just have a butler to take care of the muggle stuff. Either way, she wasn't gonna mess with it. "Kinda dumb to do muggle stuff when you've got magic, don't you think?" Duuuuuuuuuuuuh. It'd be SUCH a waste of energy. Dora should know. She was using all sorts of magic for the IMPS. It'd be a total waste of time to do any of the challenges without it, plus she'd come in dead last. And then she DEFINITELy wouldn't be Zoryn's favorite competitor.
Totally inconvenient.
HEHeheheh. "American chumps," she giggled obnoxiously. Was she overdoing it? ALWAYS. And as for the matter of bothering her Professors... "All of them! No Professors left behind," that'd be rude. And Zoryn was many things but she was not-- well, never intentionally anyway. "How come? Do you hate him or something? Was he mean to you?" Professor H was the bestest one in Zoryn's opinion. Didn't even call her out for cheating in the last lesson or anything. What a honorable man.
MHM. Yes. Favorite. Ish. Her face fell ONLY slightly when Dora voiced her disbelief "That's fair," she shrugged. What? It was. "I'm untouchable," she explained. "I'm too cute to get a detention," SHE BATTED HER EYELASHES LOADS. See? C U T E. "Have you ever gotten detention?" She was curious.
Definitely the former, thank you VERY much.
I plan to work in the Wizarding World, also, Zoryn. It is still a good idea to learn these things... especially if you ever get CAST as a Muggle in a play or film. How would you correctly portray the character if you know nothing about them?" Or fit in when she wanted some coffee and was in London proper or something? "
And it is crucial to be well rounded."
She sounded like a professor... or a parent right now.
Definitely wasn't overdoing it. Dora even found herself laughing lightly along with the younger lion. It was kind of contagious, wasn't it? "
I wish this thing would end so they could hop in their little car and go back where they belong," she added with a snort.
No seriously. GO AWAY ALREADY.
Glad to hear that you are making sure to spread the love, so to speak. Heh." She really liked this girl. Liked her spunk. "
I am not exactly his biggest fan. And yes, I think he was rude. And has continued to be so," she added softly. And that hurt all the more because she used to favor him over all others... now she held the Groundskeeper and Professor Golden Greek God in high regard. Shame of shames, really. Hirsch was once a great teacher for her.
A frown had dropped her lips slightly as she thought more about the man... but she shook herself from that as quickly as possible. "
Well no one is untouchable, kiddo. You have to learn to not get caught because someone sometime is not going to be exactly keen on you." It happened to the best of them.
Nope. Like I said, I never get caught. I even had to return a boy's wand to his Head of House once... and didn't even get in trouble. And he ended up in the hospital wing." GRIIIIIIIN!