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Nodding, Rosalyn could understand all too well what Olivia meant by that. While she hadn't attended another school before Hogwarts, she knew what it was like to not feel like a certain place was home. "I know exactly what you mean. I'm assuming that you are feeling a better fit here?" Or at least she hoped so! More important than the fact that she was biased towards her school, she wanted her students to feel comfortable here. Granted that was sometimes difficult with all the danger that seemed to be attracted to the school like a magnet... The next comment caused her to laugh, and she forgot all about the current train of thought. "Got to love sibling relationships. Me and my brothers can be like that too." It was all in good fun though of course things sometimes got too heated. Well, in the past...
Rosalyn smiled. She liked being a Hogwarts veteran. And talking about her time at the school. "Well, I think it's more or less stayed the same for a long time. We certainly have had our share of dangerous terms before and during my time as a student here. And of course there have been times where things were rather peaceful. I think it's some weird balance." Of course there might be nothing to that, but it was just a feeling that she had. At least this year seemed to be heading in the direction of more peaceful. They certainly needed that after the horror that was last term!
Olivia did feel as if Hogwarts was a
much better fit. She had found her own group of people. Etta and Noelle and Ace.... And more. These people made her day. They accepted her for who she was and she was grateful. At Beauxbatons, she had felt like she had to be louder to be acknowledged and she began to lose sight of who she was. A smile tugged at her lips when she heard that Rosalyn understood the sibling thing. "
How many brothers do you have?" she asked, curious she was. Perhaps that was a too personal question but oh well she had said it now.
She nodded in agreement. "
It is peaceful," she smiled. Well peaceful enough with a major international competition going on. The school was filled with chaos and shenanigans but it was rather wonderful. Still much better than last year's portals and monsters. "
It's just... so strange, Professor. That last year was so horrifying and this year... this year is nothing terrifying.. It's a little nerve-wracking because I'm expecting something... Maybe I'm being paranoid."