Sam, mention of River.
Dora held onto everything she passed as she made her way up into the stands. She didn't assume that any of the other champions wanted her company, so her eyes sought out Sam and Rooney. Sam being the first that she saw, Dora made her way to her.
"I don't understand..." she muttered as she plopped down in the seat beside her. She was freezing, actually. Shivering a bit she drew her wand and cast a nonverbal heating charm on herself and frowned. "How did they project our daydream onto these screens?" THAT was her first point of concern. Her second was, "I need to see Healer Reed. Just to be sure." She had to know what all the potion had done and if they had used false memory charms on them all... or whatever. She trusted her school staff to explain these things. Not the others.