As the blonde girl inspected things she noticed one knob was looking like... new in the dirty old shack. Well that was definitely something. Looking around, Dora sought a place to set her things down so she was free to tinker with things a bit more easily. The filthy counter top would have to do. Sorry, sorting hat! Although she wasn't convinced it was the ACTUAL hat, so that was something.
Once her hands were free she reached over and poked at the knob a few times, not exactly wanting to turn it just yet. It seemed to be loose, so she did indeed twist it hard to the left, in the hopes that it would pop off in her hand or something. It was clear now that the object that she sought was behind the knob... or so she thought anyway.
This was nerve racking. If she wasn't afraid of igniting gas she'd blow the damn thing up in the moment. Or burn the whole shack down... and that was a thought for her grand finale. Heh.
But for now she just needed the stupid knob to come off!