Thread: The Lions' Den
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Old 06-19-2017, 11:05 PM   #45 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post


Radiating energy.

Zoryn liked that one. Could she keep it?

"I'm not," she BEAMED at the older Gryffindor. Not even one bit tired, ma'am! "I took a nap in muggle studies so I wouldn't be tired for the rest of the day." It was also a power move.

At Dora's question, Zoryn FROWNED. Hey. She was not harassing ANYONE. But the frown quickly faded into a proud grin because really it was something to be very proud of. "Mostly Professors and some of the chumps from that other magic school." Hehehe. Speaking of which, "You're my favorite competitor." It was a little bit of flattery, but also mostly true. Next to Levi of course, 'cause that dreamy hunk of a wizard was also Gryffindor. Zoryn had more than just a little admiration to go around, okay?
Obvious child was obvious. Heh.

"I noticed," she said with a light laugh. It was, as she had previously thought, pretty damn obvious, really. "Muggle Studies isn't THAT bad. Can figure out some useful information sometimes." Not often, but sometimes. Dora preferred the more practical lessons... the ones who taught them MAGIC.

"They're all chumps." Except maybe that Aurora girl. Dora liked her alright. She was the only one who didn't seem like a loud, obnoxious piece of work. Hmph. "Which professors though? I hope Hirsch was one of them." No love lost there either, to be honest. Not that that was a particularly popular opinion. Not that many of her opinions seemed to be popular lately... or ever.

FAVORITE? Dora felt like that was a bit of a stretch, and she let her face show it. But only with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I don't believe you, but I am flattered nonetheless." And she was flattered for sure. And disbelieving. Heh. "So has your term been going well? I noticed you haven't gotten detention yet. I am slightly disappointed in that."
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