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Old 06-19-2017, 11:01 PM   #78 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dezi Willard
Fifth Year
Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door

Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
Be cool, Cameron.

Looking up at her, he felt particularly small. Which he was NOT. He was basically a grown-up after all. His birthday was soon...ish. And then he was going to be a TEENager. Talk about being a grown-up. So, should he stand up too? So they'd be of equal height? Sort of. Okay, he would still shorter than her but he HAD grown over the summer. And his parents kept saying that he was going to be really tall some day. Only when was that-


She'd called him clever.

He WAS clever, wasn't he? Cameron grinned at her, forgetting all about his previous train of thought. So clever. She looked impressed. "I know. But it's usually very loud in the Common Room." And he preferred the quiet sometimes. Not all the time. He liked hanging out in the common room too. Would she think he was some kind of loner now? Because he wasn't. He had friends. Cool friends. Friends he liked to spend time with. "And I was trying to read." Hence his preference for the quiet. That made sense right?

Had she really just introduced herself? REALLY? "I know." He'd said that before he could stop himself. Cameron topped it off with a smile though. Smooth, right? People liked it when others knew their names, right? "Yes! I do! He's great!" Her brother that is. Mhm. Awesome. "What are you doing out here?" Good question, right? He was quite proud.
Despite the fact that Daisy was looking down at him from the other side of the bridge and Cameron really did look small sitting there, the girl was completely unfazed. Talking to people shorter than her was a daily occurrence since she did have three younger siblings and her height seemed to have stabilized at five feet and ten inches. While the Hogwarts' population seemed to be made up of tall supermodels, there were still a few students who were -- vertically challenged sounded wrong and rude. Not as tall. That sounded better, yes.

She still found it odd that he would choose to read outside, in the cold, roughly a year after two girls had been kidnapped by a random and mysterious portal from that same spot but he did have a point. "I know, that's true." The Slytherin Common Room seemed to randomly fluctuate between periods of great calm and just ... chaos. Either nothing was happening or fights were erupting everywhere. She would know."We have big personalities, I guess. And most of our housemates don't seem to understand that we look out for each other." She ended rather bitterly. It wasn't her intention at all, to either say those words or to have them sound the way they had sounded and she tried to cover it up with her smile. Her best one, all puffed out cheeks and stretched lips.

No need to worry the little snakes with this.

The smile grew more amused at the way he had stated he knew her name and Daisy looked at him curiously. Surprisingly, for one that didn't like having her private life discussed by random people, Daisy didn't really mind this. Cameron could know her name because of Maxton, from classes or even because of Quidditch. It had happened enough times to not strike it as weird or creepy. As for Maxton. "Eeeh, he's alright. Chudley Canons supporter. Terrible thing." Despite the unimpressed look on her face, Daisy was clearly joking; Maxton was too serious and completely unappreciative of her hugs but he was brilliant. Unconsciously, she tugged her gloves further down her hands. "Me? I was running." A terrible thing to do in winter, outside, but it was necessary. Unlike him and his book, which meant that the book was probably interesting. "What are you reading, then?" Hmmm. Was that nosy of her?
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