Main Activity #1 Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button What was that look for? "Don't be. It's just a spell. And you're best at all the ones that aren't conjuring." Liv knew that if this was a real offensive or self-defense spell, she'd be the first one in the class to master it, didn't she? It was only the Transfiguration bit that had her struggling.
And, possibly, that was also the bit that had Nicky convinced he could quit practicing before even producing a fire. "A building!" That was possibly the most boring word that could have left his mouth to describe an ice sculpture, but the fifth year's eyes had positively lit up. Architecture! And Transfiguration! And an entire DADA lesson passed without him having to hide behind a dummy even once!
It was turning out to be a good day, huh? Nicky thought so. "I was thinking we go the whole meter. Big Greek columns. And, like, an awning." HECK YES. AWNINGS WERE SO COOL! AW(YEAH)NINGS! "Lustro Circulus!" This time, as Nicholas whipped his arm, the thinnest lasso of bright red and gold flames protruded from his wand tip.
Just how he'd wanted. Thank Ignotus.
__________________ and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________  __________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling. |