As Aurora was pushing down on each key, she heard a small squeak and looked down at the floor - OMG. A RAT! She let out a little screech and jumped up on to the piano bench as she watched it scurry away into a dark corner. Yikes. She didn't mind rats but she had been so focused on her task, it had startled her. She hopped off, and good timing too - the bench was not very steady, it seemed, and as soon as she had jumped off the whole thing collapsed.
Kicking some of the pieces out of her way, she resumed her task, and once she had reached the end of the line of keys, she paused. One of the keys, the third to the last one to be exact, had sounded a bit...weird. All the keys were out of tune, of course, but that one in particular had sounded odd. She didn't play the piano, but she knew enough to know that the keys had set notes, and the one she had pushed didn't sound right at all compared to the others around it.
Aurora HAD to be on to something here. She just knew it! She played the keys backwards, stopping after she pressed down on the suspicious key once again. Yup, that note definitely hit the ear wrong.
She pushed it again, and again, and again, hoping that something would happen...if nothing happened soon, she would have to move on, and she'd be back to square one!
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