follow me; everything is all right.
Hmmm… the bubble-head charm, we didn’t think we'd see it in this competition today. It was a brilliant use of the charm. Merlin knew with this dusty old place if you inhaled too much of this dust you'd be coughing up dust bunnies for weeks.
And there he goes up through the trapdoor. Had one ever seen so much dust in one place before? The task of finding the two items just got a little tougher.
As he made his way through the first floor, had he forgotten that he was looking for two things? That's what the instructions had said. Did Mr. Westwood think that he was a housekeeper? Though he was doing quite fine job of cleaning the old shack.
As soon as you use the rune, though, there was a difference in the air. The piano upstairs suddenly sounded as if someone were running their hand along all the keys. The noise is loud, sudden, and very harsh to the ear. One or two of the keys sounded off. The stove, too, emitted smoke and sparks suddenly.