Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Did the man just... laugh? A legit laugh?
To be honest, had Professor Hirsch been another person, Vivian would have been offended. She wasn't sure if it was an insulting kind of laugh, or a 'oh that was funny' one... but either way, the blonde couldn't help but be amazed with just how lovely Hirsch was. Aaahhhh, her heart! Professor crush was just... wow. She smiled a bit at the Professor. "It probably does!" It was definitely upbeat... and it made her wanna dance too. It was the perfect song to jam to when punching some mummies. Well, if that was possible.
... Ahem. Anyway, moving on with the discussion. The difference between the mummy, zombie, and inferi. But NOT the appearance? Vivian's jaw dropped, but she immediately closed it. Ehh... she was clueless. Sort of. The blonde raised her hand. "Well, everyone's said it already, Professor." Which was TRUE. It left her with little knowledge on the topic. "Magic is mainly used in reanimating bodies, which is what happens in the case of inferius. Zombies, I believe... are caused by viruses, or by someone who thought that messing with genetics was fun. I think it's what muggles like to believe when they see inferi." She nodded along with her answer. Did zombies exist in real life, anyway? "And mummies... are bandaged to preserve the bodies of pharaohs and people in... uhm... Egypt, I think, from inside the pyramids? Not exactly sure how they began walking though." Still, either way, she didn't want to encounter one.
Hopefully this wouldn't be like that gytrash activity. Ugh.
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________  ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |