As the potion began to take hold... she did indeed remember the last bit of her note. She had forgotten all about the last of it, but as she pulled it from her pocket and read it over she felt her cheeks flush a bit. Ugh. She was losing time by being careless! Wouldn't be the first time and likely not the last in her life that she did something dumb.
Tucking the note back away, the blonde tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and jogged toward the tree, immediately spotting the passage she was to go through. The human sized passage... handy, that. With one last glimpse at the tree she blew out a puff of breath and ducked her head a bit to peer inside.
Maybe a few precautions before she went in? A quick, yet tried and true, Supersensory Charm , followed by an Impiriano Shield. Not knowing what she was walking into those two seemed the best bet for now, she'd get a better idea of what to do once she got further inside. She was sure there would be no Dementors this time, but who knew what the mad witches and wizards running this thing we're putting in their paths.
She spared a quick thought for her fellow competitors... and hoped everyone was being safe. Or in some cases she wished they were failing miserably... but hey...
Back to the task at hand!
What lay ahead? Her heightened sense of sight and sound led her easily down without a Lumos spell. But much further in and she might just rethink that.