question you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.
The question felt.. Wrong, like it was a trick somehow but Aslan couldn't put her finger on exactly why. She leaned back, palms flat on the log beneath her as she considered all that she knew about Inferi, Vampires and.... Mummies. "Professor." Aslan said, not raising her hand but speaking clearly so the Hirsch could hear her over the others and the roar of the fire. "these are all more or less the same." the Lion had questions, but didn't know where to start." She glanced to Dora Umbridge as the blonde witch abruptly answered, calling for the obvious use of fire on Inferi but offering no further explanation. "Almost everything can be killed with fire." Aslan impassively said, tucking back a strand of her dark hair and glancing to the flame before them. "How is a Mummy different from the others? are American Zombies imbued with the soul od their master or is that only folklore- and if they are, can they be considered reanimated corpses, or are they something else?"
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Last edited by nicole black; 06-13-2017 at 09:10 PM.