Thread: Spare Office
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Old 06-13-2017, 04:21 PM   #21 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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"I can do that, sure. Just not right now, yeah? We can go up to the dorms later and I can grab some polish, perhaps?" This was serious business right now. Let them get through that and then they could do the fun stuff, really. FUN FUN FUN!

Dora shrugged lightly at the response Sam gave about the Ministry. It wasn't like she wasn't used to people being skeptical about her paranoia about adults. But she felt smug when they realized she was right. Ha. Like with the food thing. It was only a matter of time before people realized she was right about that. "Well it isn't motivation enough for me, Sam. You know that. And I'm not a quitter... so I can't just drop out. But if people really are in danger then I can't leave and let others get hurt. Sabel just brought up a lot of valid points. Valid points that are making me very... worried. Whether it is the Ministry or the school... and he didn't have too many great things to say about the school either, by the way, it all worries me."

Worried her so much she hadn't been sleeping properly or eating much either. Which was horrible... the girl LOVED sleep and food.

"More than should have been able to did... from what I saw in playbacks and the like." Meaning what she had been told about afterwards. And something didn't add up. Even the dementors running off without having been hit with a Patronus did indeed rub her the wrong way. Dora shook her head and heaved a heavy sigh. "It is all so... wrong." She had had bad feelings about the whole damn thing since the start of it, and they hadn't been quelled following the first challenge.

Her features softened a bit as Sam spoke again, though. "Of course I will. You needn't even ask. Would you like to go try now? I would certainly welcome the distraction," she said as she got up and dusted off her bum.
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