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Old 06-13-2017, 12:58 AM   #4 (permalink)
Aiden Jones

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Join Date: May 2017
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Whoa! Hey! Aiden jumped several steps back when the tree swung into action. Was it just him or did these challenges tend to favour the Hogwart students who would know a lot more about this place? Why had no one bothered to tell him this was a killer tree? Equally important, what had it just flung at him and why was there suddenly a cauldron at his feet.

He looked up to the tree that calmed down once he was no longer in direct range. Motion detecting tree maybe? A closer look revealed other vials...more ingredients maybe? The boy reached into the cauldron and picked up the note laid within. A passage beneath the tree? A passage beneath the killer tree? Whose bright idea was this one? He'd be mashed into mince if he took another step toward that thing.



A confounding potion?--No that would only make the tree more dangerous. A calming draught? No. There was no evidence this thing was sentient in the first place. Somehow, he would have to keep away from those swinging branches as much as possible. The only question was how. Then it hit him. Duh. He could be such an idiot sometimes. He would just have to make himself harder to hit.

Aiden squinted at the vials remaining on the tree. He knew just the ones he would need. The Pukwudgie drew his wand and one by one, he summed the vials of daisy roots, shrivelfig, caterpillar, rat spleen, leech juice.

These would provide everything he needed. He made his way to the work station, occasionally glancing up at the tree, just in case.

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