Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Set each other on fire? Why would they want to do that? Professor B said the weirdest things sometimes, but that only made the first year like him more. Plus, his advice from her first-ever flying lesson had gotten her through lots of other lessons that involved learning new spells over the term, so he was one of her favorite teachers. Emmeline beamed at the fire the flying instructor/groundskeeper had made. Making a fire sounded so cool!
She glanced over at Jessa once worriedly, because more fires meant more smoke and Jessa didn't seem to get along with non-magic smoke. But maybe it was magic smoke, since they used magic to light it? Either way, the older girl had already started on making her own fire so Emmeline figured she was still doing okay for now.
The first year trotted over to her own fire pit. She knew the "Incendio" charm really well by now, and the Ollivander's lady had told her that her wand was particularly good at fire spells. Emmeline thought that this was likely, because she never had problems with Incendio anymore like she did with some other spells she'd learned so far. Anyway, the Incendio part came later.
First was making a cone out of all this wood! Emmeline grabbed a handful of the smaller wood things and spread them around the bottom of the pit. She tried to make it pretty even so that her fire would go everywhere! She spent the next several minutes grabbing two larger pieces at a time and carefully arranging them all to make a biiiig cone.
Now for the magic part! The Gryffindor was bouncing up and down a little bit in excitement, because she'd never been allowed to make a BIG fire all by herself before! Honestly, she was kind of surprised that Professor Vance was letting them do it, but Emmeline certainly wasn't complaining. She withdrew her wand from its holster with a slight flourish. Then she concentrated on fire and warmth and sparks and embers as she performed the wand movement over the wood and cried: "INCENDIO!"
The result was both good and bad. The good part was that she'd lit the fire and the spell worked and everything! The bad news was that she'd been maybe too excited, because instead of making sparks and a steady flame like usual, hers had immediately engulfed the whole cone structure at once and blazed up as a huuuuge bonfire! Oops. She was glad that these things were contained in pits suddenly; her bonfire couldn't escape and hurt anyone. |