Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler Quote:
Originally Posted by Erindipity Dora blushed because she didn't know how to take a compliment really. Never had. And the only BOY who made Dora Umbridge blush just because he was around... well that was the one and only Casper Greenwood. Her better half. The nutella to her toast. Yeah man. But whatever. None of that was relevant. Heh.
When the smaller girl hugged her back she couldn't keep down the surge of pride within herself. Not at all. She was so stoked that the young lioness was showing such house spirit... and only hoped nothing broke her over the years. Or Dora would be forced to break someone's face. And other parts of their body, no doubt. Finally after a few moments the girl released her hold on the first year and moved to plop down on a nearby chair.
Oh man... Literal kid was literal. "I meant more it more metaphorically. Like you're the heart and soul of Gryffindor might mean that I just think that you're what this house embodies." And as she was about to launch into a more kid friendly explanation she was stopped short.
B L I N K.
"Wait... who told you Professor Myers is a Dark Wizard? I assure you he is not. I mean... I am certainly not his biggest fan, but he isn't Dark. Oh honey you can't believe everything Derf tells you," she said as she kept the amusement off of her face. Just barely. Like where did that kid get his hare brained ideas? "It would likely really hurt the Herbology professor if he knew people were spreading nasty rumors about him, too, ya know." Meaning don't go saying that to just anyone.
As Dora sat down, Emmeline slid into a chair next to her. She was kind of tired from standing up for a while after all.
The older girl's explanation about the heart thing didn't clear much up at all. Emmeline didn't get it, really, but she was totally distracted by what Dora said next. About Professor Dark Wizard.
She couldn't believe everything Derf told her? But.. "Didn't Professor Dark--err, Myers, do something bad to a WHOLE class?" She hadn't heard that part from Derf, actually. She had heard whispers about it in the corridors, but not enough to put the whole story together. Maybe Dora knew what had happened. Not that Emmeline liked trading bad rumors, but if something had really happened, then it wasn't a rumor anymore -- it was true.
Which got her thinking about Derf again. He was a SECOND year, AND his mum had had high up positions on staff here. Surely that meant that he knew everything about Hogwarts. She frowned slightly before adding: "Derf is one of my beeest friends. He wouldn't lie about something like that." Emmeline was absolutely positive about that. In fact, she didn't think that she had met a more honest person than Derf before in her whole life! "It's not a rumor if it's true. And I only spread GOOD rumors, like that Mr. Levi is reallly good at cleaning spells." She paused briefly before speaking again, "But he really IS good at them, so I guess that's not a rumor either." This was getting confusing now. Hopefully Dora could help! |