Sits with Stasya Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
Nine o'clock really wasn't too bad for an Astronomy lesson; it was much better than starting at midnight, anyway. The journey over from Gryffindor Tower to this tower wasn't a big deal for the first year anymore either. It had been so tiring back in September with all those stairs, but now it wasn't a difficult trek at all. Emmeline figured this had something to do with going back and forth between the barns and Gryffindor Tower, because that was MUCH further away and had lots more stairs to climb. As she entered the Astronomy classroom, Emmeline smiled and said: "Good evening, Professor!"
And could she just point out how glad she was that this lesson was [i]inside/i] the warm castle instead of out on the grounds? As much as she liked stargazing, she hoped they wouldn't be going out onto any observation areas or anything, because it was WAY too cold for that.
The ceiling/sky thing was pretty cool; hopefully today's lesson would be interesting. Sliding into her usual seat beside her friend, Emmeline muttered: "Hi Stasya! How're Dobby and Albus today?" Had the other first year noticed how pretty the ceiling thing was tonight?
The professor started right at 9:00 on the dot according to Emmeline's watch. As Professor Berkovich described lots of stuff about the galaxy -- cool! -- Emmeline frantically took down notes. This was a lot of stuff to remember! She was happy that stars were a major part of the galaxy though, and honestly, it looked beautiful on the ceiling.
How many light years away was our Solar System from the center of the galaxy thing? She had absolutely no idea. Emmeline was sure that this information was in their textbook somewhere, but it wasn't like she read that unless she absolutely had to. Still, she had skimmed through some of the reading right before this lesson, so she had a guess as to the answer. Raising her hand, she asked: "Is it around 30,000 years of light, Professor?" She felt good about the number 30.
Last edited by NifflerFan; 06-10-2017 at 04:34 AM.
Reason: posted at the same time as the prof, so edited to catch up and answer the question