a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means What? No, he hadn't dozed off! Mince pies required thinking with his eyes closed. Eh, who was he kidding, he hadn't had any breakfast yet because of the snow covering... Literally everything. Except the fire pits! "All right, kids, you heard professor Vance! Gather around, gather aroundd." The groundskeeper waited for the students to inch closer. "Yes, yes, yes. OK, not too close. You want to keep all your eyebrows, right? So let's make a fire!" The groundskeeper crouched down in front of one of the fire pits. "Place the smaller splinters in the middle and build a cone-shaped, tipi-looking structure with the bigger wooden clubs around it. Like so." La dee da! Haraldur stepped back and brought out his wand from inside his fur coat. "Better stand back for this, children." Let's keep those fur coats and feathers out of harms way. "With one sharp motion up, and one downwards motion with your wand, utter the incantation 'Incendio'. Watch me..." He held his wand out, pointed at the fire pit and motioned his wand up and then down. "Incendio." Sparks erupted from his wand only to land in the pit, setting the splinters on fire, it sparked for a few seconds before the flame started to lick the larger wooden clubs. SUCCESS!
Anything else would have been embarrassing with so many kiddos there watching him. "There's more material, should you need it. And, eh, try not to set each other on fire." No human torches today.
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