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Old 06-08-2017, 05:53 PM   #44 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

SPOILER!!: Individ Student Replies
Originally Posted by Zellanna View Post
"This may seem like an odd one," Kyle started after raising his hand, "But I remember it was believed that salt could keep a malevolent ghost at bay. For instance, a salt circle around you or your bed could keep ghosts from attacking you."
Young Kyle of Slytherin offered up the first superstition. Looking over to him Professor Vance nodded encouragingly. "Yes that's an old superstition amongst muggles since ghosts to them are very maleovent and scary. Muggles have through the centuries cast salt around their beds believing that it's protective properties would keep them safe while they slept from being attacked by ghosts." Which you could wonder if it actually did protect them or not?

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Ohhh they get to play with fiyaaah today. Is that why Professor Groundskeeper is also here? Although really he'd want Professor H to always be with their classes anyways because FUN dude is FUN!
But oh now what does he do superstion-y with salt "I sometimes throw the excess salt over my shoulder Professor.... says its for good luck?"
Tenacious hand shot up next like a bolt and Laurel smiled over at the prefect affirming. "Yes, you're correct Tenacious if you throw excess salt over your left shoulder then its said to bring you good luck. Have you had any good luck lately?" She wondered curiously. Was there some truth to it or not?

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
First though, salt superstitions. "As Tenacius said, the salt throwing thing, I've heard of, is to counteract when you spill salt. It's been said that spilling salt is an evil and unlucky omen, so to counteract it, you're supposed to use your right hand to throw salt over your left shoulder." So specific, thinking about it. Like you couldn't use your left hand over your right shoulder, but right to left. And they made a big deal over crying over spilled milk; that didn't have any negative connotations, did it?
Skylar followed after Tenacious elaborating on the supersition that he had brought up about good luck salt just a minute or two earlier. Turning her gaze to the snakette Laurel said smiling. "Interesting thoughts Skylar! Spilling salt can definitley be seen as an evil or unlucky omen by some people. It's entirely possible that throwing salt over your left shoulder with your right hand would counteract that supersitition Skylar and lead to good luck instead. Unfortunatley I don't know if that's ever been proven to be true." Most superstitions were based on fiction and not facts.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
He raised his hand. "Salt is supposed to protect you from demons or something. You make a circle around yourself and stay in there and they can't get to you," he explained. Which just didn't make ANY sense. Did the demons have high blood pressure? Like, why would SALT keep them away?
Kane raised his voice next and brought up demons. Gaze turning to the badger Laurel said kindly. "Salt has magical protective properties Kane and some muggles mainly think that staying in a salt circle will protect against all maleovent demons and ghosts. If that has proven to work for those people I cannot say but its a widespread and believed superstition."

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
She mused, running through all the options of what he possibly could say, ranging from bad Dad jokes to Dad jokes and then to the occasional pearl of wisdom. Aha! "Salt is supposed to bring prosperity. When people move to new homes, sometimes people will give them salt as a gift." Or at least that's what her father did.
Olivia of the lions spoke next offering up a more household supersition on might call it. Glancing over to her Laurel beamed."Yes, salt is said to bring good luck and prosperity Olivia. So giving new home owners a salt cellar for good prosperity as a gift is not bad at all and can if you believe be as good as say giving flowers or chocolate." The more traditional gifts for wishing someone well.

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Though as further types of divination were mentioned as branches of the original pyromancy, the fifth year dragged her eyes back to the woman. Alomancy…fire and salt. Another interesting concept. At the question, Cassie tried to think of something to give. “I believe salt was seen as sacred and used in religious rites and ceremonies,” which when the Ravenclaw thought about it, probably included divination.
Cassie offered up a salt use as opposed to all the supersitions her peers had offered up before her. Gazing over at the eagle Laurel nodded with a smile "Yes, that good Cassie salt has been used since ancient times and is still used sometimes i believe in religious rites and ceremonies and is seen as sacred and not just a spice to sprinkle over food."

Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
Kitty raised her hand. "I've read Muggle fantasies where salt can be used to burn the skin off goblins. Additionally, a circle of salt was supposed to protect anyone inside from demons/goblins/fairies. Something that is NOT just a legend however is the fact that if you put salt in the ground, that makes it hard for plants to grow there."

"The reason why is because an inner layer of tissue in the branching roots that anchor most types of plants are sensitive to salt, and when exposed activates a stress hormone, which stops root growth - basically stopping the plant from growing at all."
Prefect Kitty gave her opinion next and bringing up salts effect on plant growth. Smiling over at the eagle she nooded "Yes, kitty salt can both be protective against fairies and the like, but also be hindersome for plant growth and too much salt can lead to plant death. I'm not an expert on how exactly salt effects the plants roots and in what way that's a matter you'll have to discuss further with Professor Myers." He was the resident plant expert after all.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Shay raised her hand to tell one thing that she knew about salt. "Some people pour salt into a cup or dish and place it in a corner of there home. It's supposed to bring them good luck." She wasn't exactly sure exactly where she'd heard that, but she knew it was definitely a thing.
Shay sounded her voice causing Laurel to turn her blue-eyed gaze to the lioness and said [b]"Yes, Shay some people do put salt in cups or dishes that they place in corners around their home and some even go as far a pouring out the actual salt in the corners on the floor to increase the chance of getting good luck."[b] Which to her was weird but everyone could do what they wanted if it made them feel more safe and at ease.

Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Running out of superstitions she knew, Vivian raised her hand anyway. "Not a superstition, Professor, but rather a use of salt..." she started speaking. "A salt and water solution is usually used by some Muggles to make their skin wrinkle-free and moisturised." She didn't believe in that, to be honest. But she's never tried it either. After all, she thought her skin was pretty enough and she was YOUNG, no doubt.
Wrinkle free skin, it was slightly odd to hear that from a young girl with pretty skin but maybe her mother used or she had seen it in a shop. Beaming over at Vivian she responded. "Yes, thats correct Vivian salt is a common ingredient found in skin solutions since it properties helps with cleansing pores and smoothing out the skin from wrinkles."

Originally Posted by NifflerFan View Post
Maybe if it was a magical fire she'd be more inclined to believe in its success... Divination just seemed kind of imprecise to the first year. She did know a legend about salt that hadn't been said yet, though! Raising her hand, the first year responded: "If you take a pocket full of sea salt on a new journey, it's supposed to bring you good luck."
Emmaline hopped on the good luck train too. Smiling over at the young lioness Laurel nodded "Yes, Emmaline bringing salt on a journey can be wise since it is supposed to bring you good luck, and on a journey you would definitley need some luck to have a good and successful holiday." Depending on holiday location and whatnot.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

That's all she heard in the middle of trying to sort through this proper breathing thing. "Some muggles think if you spill salt you'll have seven years of bad luck." Which seemed an equally silly idea to her. How did spilling one bottle of salt change the outcome of your life for the next seven years?
Turning to Jessa last that still had her hand waving in the air Laurel nodded "Yes, that is true Jessa, that is what some muggles believe. It seems like a steep punishment I must admist for spilling some salt, but it might have to do with the fact that 7 is also a magical number. But I'm guessing here since superstitions are pretty far fetched."


While the discussion went on Laurel had been walking around the fire pit amongst the student blankets. It was to keep herself from becoming cold from standing still and also to hear the students thoughts better since the fire was crackling quite loudly.

Rounding Haraldur she retook her position in the students line of sight for some simple summarization of what had come up and to move along. "There are countless superstitions about salt out there and some are easier to believe and take to heart than others which i think we can all agree on. The most popular supersition that many of you have brought up today is the one that salt brings good luck and prosperity. It could be something to test out here at school. You could sprinkle some salt in your dorms and see if you get any good luck afterwards." If they wanted to. It wasn't mandatory.

"Now then let's get practical and get you all off your blankets so you don't get too cold while sitting still plus aren't you all excited to get to do your own pyromancy readings? In preparation for our main activity I want you all to build and start your own fires in the little fire pits i've dug out in the sand around us for you all to use. They are dug out in a circle about two meters out from our center bonfire pit. [/

Before you get to work I've asked Mr Baldvinsson to give you all a demonstration on how to build your fires with the wood, splinters, tools provided and of course your wands."
Laurel then looked over to Haraldur to signal him to start.

OOC: Mini activity is up! In essense you are going to like Laurel instructed build your characters own fire in their own chosen fire pit with the use of the wood clubs provided and then igniting the fire using the Incendio charm that has a sharp upwards and then downwards motion. Mr Baldvinssons (potterobessionst) post in conjunction to this will demonstrate how they should do it.

There is no post requirement. You can do it in as few or as many posts that you want. If you have questions then please state it in your post tiles or I might miss them. You have approx 36 hours to complete the mini activity before i announce/set the main practical on saturday around 1pm GMT+2.
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