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Old 06-08-2017, 04:25 AM   #4 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

Sirius had been REALLY playful today. Whenever her assigned cruppy was in a good mood, it automatically boosted Emmeline's mood as well. It was like magic! She wondered if crups had a secret ability to make witches and wizards happy that hadn't been discovered yet, and she was just making a mental note to ask Professor Wayland later when she drew even with the House points glasses. Gryffindor was still in the lead! Yay!

She knew points weren't super important, but it still felt good to earn lots and lots of them for her House if she could, and the House Cup was probably super pretty--

The first year stopped in her tracks when she noticed the other people looking at the points. Miss Skylar always seemed nice in lessons, not that they'd talked much, but why was she alone with Professor Dark Wizard??? She didn't understand why the older kids here didn't take Dark magic more seriously.

"Hello, Professor, Miss Skylar,"the Gryffindor greeted them both politely, being super careful to keep her tone nice and even. She didn't want the Dark wizard to know that she was on to him after all.

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