Mischievous Niffler
Oh, so it WAS Narnia! Well, now her spirits lifted somewhat. Not because she was a big Narnia fan (though she did like it), but just because her guess was correct.
Straightening up somewhat in her seat, Kitty waited to hear some of the answers of her fellow book club attendees before taking a stab at it herself. "I probably would agree that it's because since Lucy was the youngest, she had the most imagination and was the most open minded. There may be other explanations besides this one, though. For example, maybe Aslan prevented the others from seeing it the first time. Aslan seems to know everything in Narnia." "Something I have wondered about," she said, continuing her observations. "Is why didn't Andrew ever go into Narnia again with that wardrobe? For those who don't know, when he was a boy he witnessed the creation of Narnia, and he built the wardrobe himself. That's why I'm leaning towards the 'Aslan prevented the others from coming in' theory, since I'm not sure why Andrew wouldn't have come back if he could have."
But she was interested to hear other peoples perspectives on that.