The Gryffindor had separated one jobberknoll feather into barb and shaft when she heard a familiar voice call out to her. She glanced up and saw her housemate and roommate, Melbourne, arrived. Oh hey friend! "
Heya Mel! How's it going?" she asked the other girl with a happy grin. "
I'm working on the Confounding Concoction. A mild form of it, of course." If she did a full strength one, now that wouldn't be good at all! Knowing her luck, she'd probably somehow ingest some of it and that would be horrible. Amortentia, hey? That certainly peaked this girl's interest. "
Sure, that would be awesome. It'd be interesting to see what it smelled like. Thanks!" Nice offer! She then separated the other jobberknoll feather into barb and shaft and then glanced at her notebook to see what she had to do next.
Alright. Next she had to place the barbs in the boiling water. Okay. She placed them in the water and quickly picked up her spoon. Twelve stirs clockwise. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. And now seven counterclockwise. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Now she set a timer and let the mixture get to a boil. It needed to boil for thirty minutes. She took a step back from her work to see how the other two students were doing. Both Amortentia? Maybe she should have done that.....
Liquid boiling.......
BRRRRRRING! BRRIIING! chirped her timer, notifying her that it was time to move onto the next step. When she read the next step, she just shook her head. Nope. Nu-uh. Oh Merlin, this was the part that she knew that she wouldn't like at all. The part with the leeches. Shudder. Did she really have to?
She did.
Olivia picked up a slimy leech from the side and brought it over the cauldron and then squeezed it.
Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. She remembered getting one of these stuck to the back of her neck and a few on her shoulder last year. UGH.
SHE HATED LEECHES. Little blood sucking, nasty things. Could she be done? Was it over?Was that enough juice? Yes. Next step now. Oh Merlin.
What?! Her eyes widened at the next instruction.
Stir in an unpredictable fashion. Confusing pattern perhaps? So then she stirred three times clockwise, five times counterclockwise, then seven times clockwise, once counterclockwise, and then she stirred in a figure eight for at least three rotations. Was that unpredictable? Oh Merlin. She hoped so. She continued stirring in an unpredictable fashion just a little longer before resuming a more regular pattern. With each stir, she could feel the potion becoming thicker and thicker.
It was almost there.
SPOILER!!: Confounding Concoction
There aren’t many, if any, good uses for this potion, though it is not illegal. It could be used on prisoners or enemies but, as it has unpredictable effects, it is not recommended for such purposes. The confusing concoction is usually studied merely for honing brewing technique or to ensure proper brewing of the antidote.
water (500mL)
jobberknoll feathers (2 barbs)
leeches (juiced; 1-2)
Bring water to a boil
Separate the barbs from the shafts of 2 jobberknoll feathers
Place barbs in boiling water and stir 12 times clockwise and 7 times counter-clockwise
Boil for 30 minutes
Add leech juice by squeezing one leech into the cauldron and stir in an unpredictable fashion
Keep stirring until potion should thickens (within 5 minutes)
If potion does not thicken after 10 minutes of stirring, add another leech and continue to stir unpredictably until thickened
If potion has still not thickened after an additional 10 minutes, start another brew
This particular brew is a mild variation of the Confounding Concoction but, should be effective for several hours if an antidote is not administered.
It can be very difficult to discern whether one has ingested confounding concoction. Depending upon how strongly it is brewed and the person it is administered to, a person may only show a tendency to forget things and the effects will wear off in a few hours. Or, with a stronger version, a person can become completely confused and disoriented and could possibly suffer from amnesia.
There are no discerning smells or tastes so this potion can be easily disguised and given to the unwary.
One side effect of this potion is an increased thirst.
People under the effects of the confounding concoction can be very unpredictable.