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Old 06-07-2017, 04:08 AM   #111 (permalink)
Valerie Gray

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Join Date: May 2017
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Valerie Gray
Sixth Year

Originally Posted by Jesus Rodriguez View Post
A nagging voice in the back of his head reminded him that he was treading into dangerous waters, and if he didn't wake up soon, he would drown. Knowing this, Jesús found himself splashing about (in a metaphorical sense, of course,) drowning in a river that was tactfully placed, created, and managed by Valerie. Her words (voice, really) helped him stay afloat; and for that, he was grateful. "The best babysitter, I might add. Plus," he leaned forward, and whispered conspiratorially, "it's not really babysitting if you're having fun in the process, is it?" He pulled away by just a bit, and resumed his role as the tentative, yet eager, pupil while she continued to be his teacher. For the dance, of course.

"That's because...nothing is just simple with you." Jesús shot her a knowing look as he followed her lead. He didn't really need (or want, for that matter) her to try and one up him, not around all of these people (and especially not around their classmates and peers.)

The music wasn't his style, but he sort of liked it now for reasons that he couldn't explain, and he barely had time to process what was happening right in front of him. Valerie didn't trip or fall or miss steps (not in front of him, at least,) so his surprise was genuine when she stumbled and held onto him. Instinctually, the sixth year wound up holding her a little closer than he would have normally. It took him approximately thirty seconds to realize what he was doing before he took a step back. And, no, him clearing his throat was not a ploy to detract from what had happened just seconds before. Like Valerie, Jesús also found himself looking elsewhere; he didn't actually know where to settle his eyes, but he told himself that as long as his shame (read: his flushed cheeks and ears) continued to be painfully apparent, he would find a way to conquer it.

Just as easily as it was for him to look away, he was able to quickly turn his attention back towards her (which, he concluded, was the fault of Valerie and her voice.) There was no need for him to add to her comment, because he understood and empathized completely. Jesús also would have never attended anything as formal or as lavish as this in his life had it not been for the tournament. He thought about making a joke, something about them being kindred spirits, but thought better of it. No need to open that can of worms tonight. "It does seem like they have a very flamboyant way of celebrating," he mused. Flamboyant being an understatement. The tournament was just a means for him to infiltrate and destroy from within; he didn't actually want to win (he wanted to get very close, though,) and was silently supporting someone else in the hopes that they came out as the winner instead of him.
Usually Valerie relished in her indifference to praise. Confirmation at being the best was superfluous although she could appreciate others acknowledgement - save for this moment. Something about Jesus words (or perhaps tone) caught her uncomfortably off guard to the point she found herself wishing that he had said nothing at all. The peculiar manner in which her heart was palpitating in her chest combined with the tingling to her cheeks was unwelcome in this moment. A distraction. Perhaps she should have declined his invitation to attend this festivity together after all? "I try to make a habit out of not mixing business with pleasure," was all she could manage to whisper in reply, grateful for when he pulled away.

His concern was unwarranted and she knew it. Whatever lead she had had on him was gone and, if anything, he was the one one step ahead and likely to win the foot race if she could not pull herself together. Surely it was the setting and the fact that she had given in to feminine wiles and adorning her pale skin with deep crimson silk. It was unnatural for a creature like herself but had felt the need to put effort into such affairs for tonight. For herself, of course. Certainly not for anyone else.


"You are not about to quote Confucius to me, are you?" She could not help but tease in the moment and even went so far as to pull on one of those obnoxiously endearing curls of his. All weak attempts to regain some of the ground she had lost, but there was absolutely no recovery after the slip of her foot and the way her cheek brushed against his when he held her a little too close. Jesus Rodriguez had officially and undeniably flustered one Valerie Gray become reckoning. And the hated it.

All comments of flamboyance aside, the sixteen year old knew she needed to remove herself from the situation or else risk certain exposure. Which was why she gave him a gentle but assertive push (both palms to his chest) and met his eyes briefly before speaking. "I think I have had quite enough dancing," she stated, almost as though she had had more than enough for a lifetime.

Swiftly tucking a few silvery blonde wisps behind her ear, Valerie took another step away from her date and turned to weave her way out of the crowd of people and out of the ballroom.

I have a heart that gets on everybody's nerves ; They don't want the truth, they just want the words
We were born kicking and screaming................................................Until we learned to turn it down
Took our dreams and got in line.................................................. ...Held our breath and hoped to die
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