Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
"You should teach me said charms," Sam pointed out quickly. "All practice is good practice, right?" Even if she was unlikely to need to protect an examiner's nail polish in her OWLs. "You don't need to do that." Although she knew Addy would be more than happy to. "Did she get you the one you were wearing last week?" That'd been pretty, and she'd forgotten to ask about it until now.
Her lips pursed as she mentioned that, regretting she hadn't have got there sooner. It was petty, and Sam couldn't say that she entirely trusted any of them either. It wasn't that she didn't want to get to know any of them; she knew not all Americans were like that from Astrea, and it was probably only some of them acting like that. But still, it didn't encourage her to go searching the others out. "Oh. I thought it was standard the Ministry being involved. They have been in previous competitions."
Although previous tournaments hadn't seemed perhaps as friendly as this one was meant to be. She still hadn't got over reading about the cockatrice, or Robin's reaction when she'd told him. Thank goodness he'd calmed down about it before Mr Mooney had done something ridiculous like pull her out.
"Right. And why some kids, and some adults? Like...that doesn't seem a fair test either." To her, it'd seemed like Dora had got someone particularly stubborn, although she might have been biased and hadn't been watching the other screens anywhere near as closely.
And she finally verbalised the other thought that was bugging her.
"Do you think a Patronus can really show who's worthy?"
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