Thread: Spare Office
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Old 06-07-2017, 01:23 AM   #17 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Dora smiled at the other girl as she showed off her nails. "Let me put some charms on the polish for you. They will still chip, but not as quickly." And that was the point, right? Keep them as nice as possible for as long as possible. "I'll get Addy to send you some polish, too." Not that she didn't LIKE the polish Sam was wearing. Because she did.

"Yes I think they're horrible. I mean aside from a bunch of boys threatening a girl... they give me a bad feeling. Like they can't be trusted." But that was something Dora had issues with anyway. So that was nothing new. "He said he didn't like the sound of it all. The Ministry being here to oversee tasks, the sister school and all."

Not to mention he had told her some stories of things involving Muggle Rights activists in the past. And well... she wasn't sure that was what they were doing, but it could be related. "Yeah. Why Muggles. I argued the point that wouldn't it have tested us much more had the dummies been transfigured to be people we love or our friends or some such? Not like it hasn't happened before." There were more taxing ways to test their cool under pressure, weren't there? She thought so anyway. "I get a bad vibe from the professors, too."

Just from observing them from afar. She surely had not gone out of her way to speak with them and neither had they attempted to speak to her... or apologize for their students.

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