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Old 06-06-2017, 01:40 PM   #102 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Farah C Dubey
Seventh Year
Default Mentions of Irene and Olly // Mel and Kirk
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.

Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Admiring the beauty that was her outfit tonight, Dana straightened her dress with her free hand. Even the fabric felt so expensive and amazing! She owed Layla a lot for both the dress and the necklace. To be completely honest, the sixth year was still trying to get a hang of what she was wearing. A long gown with a low neckline. This was out of her comfort zone, for reals. She looked amazing, her date looked amazing, and tonight was going to be amazing.

A nerd? Dana's smile grew wider. "Wow, I must be really lucky to be able to separate you from your plants, then?" The blonde joked, which was unlike her. Still, she didn't mind. She even fixed and adjusted the tie around his neck. "That's better. And well, yeah. I feel rather comfortable with you around. It helps that you actually are attractive." And that was probably the most un-Dana thing she had ever said... because she never would have said that in front of the person in question! It had always only been in here mind, but tonight was just so weird.

To hide herself from the embarrassment with what she had just blurted our, Dana took a looooong sip from her drink until she had actually downed all of its contents. Hopefully that had kept her shut. Why was she saying unusual things?!
"By the way, I did tell you, you look amazing right?" Sam asked again, feeling a little freer than he usually did. It was odd. But something he didn't wish to concern himself with yet. But he couldn't help but say it. I mean, his date was hot. That dress though. He could admire beauty.

The socially awkward nerd was not showing through tonight though. Maybe it was the outfit. It gave him confident he usually didn't have. "I mean... I wasn't about to go completely from my plants." Yes, his pocket liner was indeed a plant. Then she was fixing his tie and he blushed profusely. Which was the wrong time to catch a glimpse of his brother, Isaiah and his date Irene. Still blushing, he waved at them. Then Dana said the thing. The attractive thing. He hiccupped. Whut?

"I did not mean to do that. I'm not used to being touched or fussed over. While its nice, I'm totally not used to it." He blurted out. "Why don't we dance and get to know each other a little more?" He asked, presenting his arm again.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Left alone with a room with glass? Merlin! That sounded like a catastrophe waiting to happen. Olivia laughed at the thought. "Oh no, that would be a very, very bad idea," she grinned. The glass would surely end up broken and the two of them would be off to a visit with Healer Reed who would most likely share some wise words about how to avoid getting injured in the future. Ah Healer Reed. Speaking of the dashing Healer, she had heard that he had brought Roscoe and Bumi here. Hmm... She'd look into that later.

Ask anyone? Olivia raised her eyebrows. "Is that a challenge?" she said jokingly because it felt like a challenge. Who could she ask...? Hmm... Maybe an Illvermornian. She had promised Etta a dance. "Dance with me," she said to Noelle with a bright smile. It'd be fun to dance together. Olivia raised her eyebrows even higher when Noelle blushed at the mention of promising Torrance three dances. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Torrance, eh? "Torrance? Three dances. He sounds very keen," she nodded. Very, very keen. And then she had turned him down? "Someone else caught your eye?" she asked with a curious smile. She was sure that a girl like Noelle would have plenty of boys making a bee line for her. "Yes! Let's have fun!"

His name was Kirk. "As in Captain Kirk from Star Trek?" she asked with widened eyes. Because if his parents named him after Captain Kirk, then she was going to have to congratulate them on such a name. She was only a little bit of a trekkie fan. Her father had subjected both Simon and her to watch the whole series with him. At the suggestion to go over and say hi, Olivia hesitated. Were Mel and Kirk on a date? She didn't want to crash but..... It wouldn't hurt to come say hi. "We should go say hi.... What if they're on a date?" She paused. "Maybe a quick hello?" And then retreat to the sides or the dance floor?

And then she spotted Etta waving back. Ooh hi friend! She wasn't going to forget their dance in a bit. The two of them had to dance up a storm, of course!
Imaging them hurting themselves in a room full of glass did indeed lead to thinking about Healer Reed. That man... Merlin's Beard! Noelle would have fanned herself if she didn't have Olivia's arm. On the same course of thought, she blurted out, "Wanna know who else is delicious? Wayland. That man. And Hirsch. But he's a given. Every time he walks in a room, everyone drools." Noelle giggled. "Wayland brought out that phoenix during class.. Merlin's beard Olivia.. MERLINS BEARD." Yep, she HAD to fan herself now. "There's way too many hot professors around her. It's a wonder how we pay attention in class." Not to mention training.

But that thought was mixed with another thought. "Oh its a challenge. In fact, I up the challenge. I dare you to ask a professor to dance by the end of this dance." Noelle said, a bit of a gleam in her eye. But as for right now, "Of course Ill dance with you! Mind you, Im not the best dancer. Watch your toes." Noelle looked down at her feet. "Well, yours are covered." No Olivia. No. She was not interested in Torrance like that. "No one special. The guy I like doesn't go here anymore." Of course, she'd been the horrible reason. She blushed though, because all the thoughts, good and bad.

Noelle looked over at Mel and Kirk. If that was his name. "Maybe a quick hello. then we can go dance." She said, keeping Olivia's arm and heading over for a quick hello. "You too look brilliant!" Noelle told Mel and Kirk.
"We don't mean to take up much of your time. We are going to say hello before we go off to dance. Have you two danced yet?"
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT

Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
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