Olivia liked how Professor Stewart was always one to encourage her to continue and pursue her goals. In fact, she was lucky that most of the Professors here were like that. She was grateful that they took such an interest in their student’s success. It was a lot different from other schools that she had attended. To Professor Stewart’s question, she nodded. She had tried wandless magic. It had taken her a good while and a couple of tries but she didn’t give up because she barely was able to raise a piece of chocolate a couple of centimetres off of the ground. “
I have tried it. I was successful once. Professor Marchand had me levitating pieces of chocolate. I was able to get one chocolate off the bottom of the bowl only a couple of centimetres. It took a lot but it's a start.” She grinned. It had been difficult and she had almost given up but she didn’t. “
It’s going to be a lot of work. I have a list of non-verbal spells to practice.” Hopefully mastering those would help her in the long term with wandless.
I see,” she said, interested that her and Professor Stewart’s thoughts were very similar. She smiled softly at Professor Stewart’s words about points. “
I agree. I think it would be sad if we lived in a society where expressing opinions aren’t okay.” It would be a very dull place indeed.