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Given his profession, River was a man of action. Nothing else could hype his adrenaline by being quick on his feet while he raced against time, saving a person's life. It had been the same with Gaston, in fact, River could not shake the feeling that he'd been too late. That he'd been reviewing his files for too long that the man in question was on the verge of losing his sanity.
River could not help but be disgusted with the fact that Gaston had been overlooked all these years by his friends and family. Or perhaps, the man in question was to blame? River had all the questions filed in his head, most were left unanswered simply because Gaston had the answers to them. For now, he had to earn the man's trust just like any other patient before him. He had to make the Charms professor understand that he was the man for the job, and that he would treat his issues with utmost confidentiality. That's how Healers work anyway.
He had noticed the lack of eye contact, and River could not help but confirm Gaston's deep insecurities. He seemed afraid of his own shadow. River kept his gaze, and his tone gentle. "I don't think so. I would've immediately received a patronus or a message from a freaked out student if I didn't see you first." River tilted his head to the side, curious about his reaction. People did care for him, and they would've panicked if they'd seen him lying on the ground unconscious. River got up from his seat and gave Gaston his glass of water, and offered it to the man. "You're not exactly fit to be in a pub to talk things over with me, so this would have to do." River grinned as he too got his own glass of water, trying to set up a friendly mood; much like how two grown men would discuss things in a dimly lit bar. "So...care to tell me what's going on?" And don't lie, Gaston. We got your medical records on hand.
Gaston began to relax a little bit when River answered his question. At least he knew that no one else had seen his moment of weakness. He blinked dumbly as River continued speaking. Normally the comment about talking things over in a pub would've got a chuckle from him, but he was too sad and exhausted right now. The thought crossed his mind to refuse the water he was offered, but somehow he had an idea that wouldn't go over well with the healer. He took the glass and had a small sip. He'd been so wrapped up in his sadness that he hadn't realized how thirsty he was; all he'd had to drink today was a few sips of coffee this morning. Before he could take another sip, his hands started trembling so violently that he had to set the glass on the nightstand to keep from sloshing it all over the bed.
He sighed and looked at River for a few moments. He really didn't want to tell him what had happened, not so much out of lack of trust but because he knew he'd never be able to get through it without losing whatever hold he still had on his emotions. Still, he respected him too much to try to lie. At length, he spoke,
"My father... we had a fight over the summer, and since then I can't eat or sleep or do anything but think about the hurtful thing he said to me." He neglected to mention exactly what the fight was about. River didn't need to know everything about his personal drama, and he could always fill in the details later if he had to.
"He's always been demanding, but I always convinced myself that he meant well," Gaston forced himself on,
"that he l-loved me deep down. But now I see that all this time his 'love' was just an act..." His voice broke, and he took another sip of water so he could swallow the lump rising in his throat. He silently stared at the floor for several minutes, trying to will himself not to fall apart in front of River. He'd tell him more soon, but he needed a break.