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River held his breath as he watched Gaston writhe in place, not responding to his call. The next thing that came to mind was to wake the Charms Professor from within his dream state. It was a risky and dangerous move, of course, but if he had to do it to save this man's sanity, he would. Thankfully, Gaston did respond to him after a few more calls. River exhaled the breath he'd been holding slowly, and resigned by sitting down on the edge of Gaston's bed, as he watched the man with worry.
His research and investigative interviews with Gaston's former healers were starting to shape up into a more conclusive finding, and River did not like it one bit. Physically, Gaston would've been healthy if it wasn't for his...current state. Obviously, something must be done right away.
The Healer knew that any attempt to escape the Hospital Wing would be futile. Obviously, Gaston hasn't seen his sorry state. He'd definitely need to go through basic treatment to sort out the more...sensitive issues going on with him. River let out an audible sigh as he stood up immediately from his spot and pressed on Gaston's shoulder. "You need to rest, my friend. And there's no need for you to be sorry." It was his job to look after sick people, after all. With firm hands, River helped Gaston in bed, and propped more pillows for him to lean back on. And as soon as Gaston had settled, River sat on his trusty medical stool beside his patient's bed and waited for the man to speak. If River's eyes could talk, it would've told the Charms Professor that he now knows everything...
Gaston let out a dejected sigh and reluctantly allowed River to help him back into the bed. He lie back, still noticeably trembling as he stared up at the ceiling for several moments. The horrible dream might've been over, but the voices of his father and Dr. Javert still replayed in his mind no matter how he tried to block them out, reminding him of how he'd never be the person they wanted him to be.
See, none of this would've happened if you could control your emotions like a real man, their voices taunted him. And they were right... here he was burdening River with his troubles when his time could be better spent tending to people with real illnesses.
Then another, much worse thought occurred to him. How long had he been out? Had anyone else seen him before River did? What if a student found him? That would give them even more cause to dislike him. What if one of his colleagues found him? Then they'd just go on underestimating him. Or... what if
Rosalyn found him? she'd already seen him at one of his lowest points over the summer, and he still hadn't forgiven himself for it. He couldn't do that to her again!
Gaston could barely look at River, let alone actually tell him anything yet. How did he know that he wouldn't judge him once he knew about his insecurities? And why was he looking at him like that? Finally, he forced himself to speak.
"Did anyone else see me like this before-?" he began, but his voice trailed off before he could finish the question.