mentions of Kyle and bentley you wanna fite? | 💚 nickleback 💚 | Uh, anyway.
it was all surprisingly calm for a hogwarts evening, aslan found herself musing on whether Staff had taken extra measures to keep the night and the students from getting out of hand, but she doubted it. There wasn't enough incentive, the staff seemed to care very little for the actual student well being and although Aslan seemed to hardly care, she was a little on edge.
she tugged on a lock of her dark hair, twirling and pulling it taut before letting it go, only to start all over again. Aslan forced her attention to the incoming crowd of people. There was the red-headed champion with the sullen looks and deep set eyes, and Bentley Moore who she offered a nod in greeting, but her attention was anything but arrested.
shifting, fleeting, restless.
Aslan bit her lip.
__________________ the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence