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Old 06-02-2017, 06:12 PM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
Default Divination Lesson 2 - Pyromancy

It's a frosty, but beautiful 15th of December. Up to a decimetre of fresh snow has fallen during the night, but the morning sky is clear and greets you with a pale sun glowing above as you make your way down the path from the castle to the lake bank with a few minutes to spare to 9 o'clock. The snow has encased the grounds in its snowy glittery white sheen and most of the birds that inhabit the forest and grounds have flown to warmer countries. Mr Baldvinson has cleared the path from most of the snow, but watch out so you don't slip and fall over your feet. It can be icy. I hope you've dressed warmly in winter gear or it will be an unpleasant lesson.

After coming down to the lake bank and stepping out on the snow covered sand you're immediately hit in the face by an icy wind coming from a long way out on the lake that reddens your cheeks and waters your eyes. When the wind momentarily wanes and you wish to go back up to the warm castle your eyes lands on Professor Vance that stands in a dark green long sleeved and hemmed coat and black boots next to a large fire pit where a big hearty fire is lit. The traditional fire noises greets you as you make your way over to where the Professor is standing next to the pit.

Professor Vance greets each and every one of the students with cheery smiles and head nods as she gestures with a gloved hand for them all in turn to find themselves seats on the blankets scatted out around the big fire pit. As you take a seat and let the warmth from the fire pit warm your limbs up, you notice big sacks of what looks like salt and large stacks of wood behind Professor Vance. Whatever can this lesson be about? Contemplate that as you wait and chat quietly with your peers until the lesson starts.

Lesson Progression:
Lesson start + Question 1 - Give 1 fact your character knows about Pyromancy
Responses + Question 2 - Give 1 salt superstition or salt use each
Mini activity - Build your own fires + fire build demonstration
Main activity: Throw salt on your fire and observe it for shapes and then make a prediction
Class Dismissed!